Monday, May 18, 2009

OEC - Week 1 - Day 2

Got to bed a little late last night, around 1:30.  I got this new MacBook Pro back in January and up until yesterday, I had not updated any of my iTunes.  So I spent the evening learning all the cool in's & out's of my MacBook.  Well I am a audio/video wanna be junkie, so I was just playing around till about 1:30 AM.  

6:30 came real early.  One of my many hats is the official wake up call for the camp.  One of the female GA's takes care of the ladies and I take care of the men.  So it is hard to wake them up when you are barely awake yourself.  

I spent most of the day learning how to use various programs and taking pictures (another hat I wear).  No one got hurt today so the medical hat I wear didn't get put on today.  The best part of the day is our built in nap time.  Loved it!!

Tonight we are about to judge the first round of team competition, Team Names, Team Cheers, and Team Song.  Looking forward to seeing what is produced tonight.  I am sure there will be some creative songs!