Friday, September 18, 2009

30 Things - Friday Edition

1. Love Fridays
2. Singing that George Jones Song "Finally Friday"
3. George Jones nickname - The Possum
4. My bestest friends dad loves him some George Jones
5. Jack Johnson on Pandora
6. Cool and Drizzly out today
7. Hope fall is here to stay!
8. Favorite time of year... November 1 - January 2
9. I miss my Aunt's and Uncle's
10. Friday Night Football (FNF)
11. Not that excited about FNF anymore
12. Andi has a seminar/class in DFW this weekend.
13. She'll be back for the game
14. Aggies play the Aggies this weekend
15. TAMU vs. Utah State
16. My Uncle Lonnie has a Degree from Utah State
17. I will have degree from TAMU
18. My wife has a degree from TAMU
19. Have I mentioned I love TAMU?
20. HSU is poised to make a turnaround
21. I love my job, most days
22. Pandora Radio = Musical Bliss
23. G. Rollie is a rascal
24. Have to be a better parent to him
25. One treatment this morning... a hamstring
26. Where did the name "hamstring" come from?
27. HSU plays Louisiana College tomorrow
28. t.u. or the classless clowns of tech? t.u. by a landslide
29. I personally know two of the potential Heisman Trophy Candidates...
30. That's cool