Thursday, September 17, 2009

30 Things - In Memorandum

30 Things – In Memorandum
“All gave some, Some gave ALL”

1. 09-11-01: at golf course in St. Louis – home to weep and pray
2. 09-11-09: in a plane flying over New Mexico headed to Portland Oregon – reflecting, praying
3. Lost a good friend this week – A True AMERICAN HERO
4. He was in his 2nd tour in Afghanistan
5. I am thankful for his salvation and his sacrifice
6. I am praying for his wife, son, and unborn daughter
7. You should too
8. And for his parents, they have lost two of their three children.
9. Grace
10. Understanding
11. Sovereignty
12. Peace
13. Understanding
14. Mercy
15. These are my prayer requests
16. Christ is most Glorified through this tragedy
17. Christian
18. Sacrifice
19. Honorable
20. Humble
21. Texan
22. American
23. Husband
24. Father
25. Son
26. Brother
27. Friend
28. Loved
29. Redeemed
30. This was 2nd Lt. Darryn Andrews