Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fitness Day 2

Ok, the first day always seem to be the easiest for me. It's the discipline of the days after that always seem to cause me to loose faith. Today I read James 1:2-4, 12 and was reminded of my salvation experience. Phil. 4:13 had always been the verse that I used to "test" God prior to my relationship with Christ, however, it was James 1:2-4, 12 that God used to show me how He was working in my life. What an awesome God we serve! He is in constant motion around us, shaping us and molding us into His will.

James is an appropriate place for my reflection. The trials that are before us are numerous, from family issues, death, finances, school, work, social and church leadership responsibilities... the list can go on and on for each of us. As I look towards to day 2 of my new journey towards a healthier lifestyle, I know that Satan will try everything to slow me down, trip me up, and beat me down. Christ is my refuge and every help in time of need. This battle with my health is just one I will face, many more are sure to manifest throughout my life. How I respond and react will depend on my faith in Christ. Will you join me?


Monday, May 30, 2011

Post Biggest Loser

Ok, so this blog thing and biggest loser thing just doesn't work for me sometime. Here's a quick recap of my HSU Biggest Loser Challenge - .

Yep that was it. I ended up gaining 1 pound, instead of loosing. I will admit, that I did not dive into this head first as I had hoped I would. Rather, I used excuses to justify my decline in participation.

Here are my problems:
1.) I lack self-discipline - always have. I don't get up early, I stay up late, and I pretty much can't say no to certain foods.

2.) I am a picky eater - always have. I don't like steamed vegetables, vary few raw vegetables. I am the quintessential meat and potato man.

3.) I love pasta and bread.

4.) I use my bone disease as an excuse not do things. My hips do hurt so bad every day. I cannot get motivated to do something that will make me continue to hurt. On the flip side, if I do exercise (non-impacting) and work hard at loosing weight, then my hips may not hurt so much with all the added weight they carry.

5.) I live by excuses when it comes to being healthy and exercising. I have one for everything.

These things are what hold me back. These are all PERSONAL decisions that I consciously make daily. That's right... I choose to be unhealthy, I live to eat rather than eating to live. I drink to much coke (aka: soda). I don't drink enough water, I don't eat a good breakfast regularly. I don't, I don't, I don't.... I can't, I can't, I can't.... These words have ruled over my eating and exercising habits for far too long.

I want to be healthier, I want to be able to go and do the things I like doing without getting tired and wore out. I want to live a long healthy life.

When I couldn't walk from the 6th grade through the 11th grade, I had a friend share with me Philippians 4:13 "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." I must stop leaning on my own understanding but on Christ. I have given my life to Christ, and it is time that I take healthy living seriously. I know that through Him, I can do this! It will be very difficult because I will be changing 36 years of habit, but I know that through Him I can do this. Will you join me?!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Biggest Loser-Update

Well I know I don't have any followers, so with that I decided not to write daily. Now isn't that a poor excuse. We are officially in week 4 and I have lost 1 pound. I essentially took two weeks off (one when it snowed all week, one when I was sick all week). At this rate I don't have to worry about being the biggest loser. Trying to avoid the biggest disappointment.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

HSU Biggest Loser - The day before

I never in my wildest dreams ever thought I would be anywhere near 200 lbs. !!! Yet tonight I did my own "unofficial" weigh in and the scales topped off at 194.4 lbs! Ouch! For those of you keeping score at home that ranks me at 40 on the male Body Mass Index chart or BMI. I am not a fan of this chart as it takes your height and weight and gives you a score based on the ideal body weight for your height and weight. Well I am 4 ft. 10 in. (on a GOOD day), probably closer to 4'9", but who's counting right? Anyway, the BMI for my height says my ideal weight should be 120-125 lbs. I haven't weighed that in YEARS! So I rank in the morbid obese category. That's right morbid obese.

Twelve years ago when I graduated from HSU I was one chunky monkey (175), and I had a sudden life style change while in my second year of grad school. I started working out regularly and got my weight down to 145. It was great. But over the years I steadily worked my way back up. It has been almost six years that I worked out on a regular basis. In that time I got married, was promoted and took on a great deal more stress. I married weighing 165 - and now I weigh 194!!! You have got to be kidding me. Yet when you look at what my day consists of it's pretty simple. I have grown sedentary in my lifestyle. Sad day.

A couple of things that need to change.
1.) Discipline - I need to be disciplined in all aspects of my life. I struggle with this, and this is my goal for this semester and from here on, become more disciplined in my life.

2.) Eating habits - I love to eat. In fact I probably live to eat, rather than eat to live. I am picky and not keen on cooked vegetables (I love select raw veggies). I love ranch dressing. I love big meat (all major cuts). I love potatoes, I love fried food, I love love love... this is the sad story of a man who loves to eat instead of eating to live.

3.) Exercise - I'm just like the majority of Americans in our society today. I just don't have time, I don't like it, I don't want to do it... yet, I work with college athletes! I love working with them getting them back from an injury. I relish at taking them through sport specific rehab.

4.) Osteogensis Imperfecta - Heredity bone disease, I have to loose weight! I have to! Both my hips are starting to kill me. I will eventually have hip replacement, just not at 36.

5.) My future - Andi and I want kids. I don't want to die an early death because I chose to be reckless in my youth. I figure I have about 25-30 years of bad eating habits. I sure hope I can reverse the effects.

I plan to blog every day about my struggles and victories. This will be a hard challenge but I am up for it!