Monday, May 30, 2011

Post Biggest Loser

Ok, so this blog thing and biggest loser thing just doesn't work for me sometime. Here's a quick recap of my HSU Biggest Loser Challenge - .

Yep that was it. I ended up gaining 1 pound, instead of loosing. I will admit, that I did not dive into this head first as I had hoped I would. Rather, I used excuses to justify my decline in participation.

Here are my problems:
1.) I lack self-discipline - always have. I don't get up early, I stay up late, and I pretty much can't say no to certain foods.

2.) I am a picky eater - always have. I don't like steamed vegetables, vary few raw vegetables. I am the quintessential meat and potato man.

3.) I love pasta and bread.

4.) I use my bone disease as an excuse not do things. My hips do hurt so bad every day. I cannot get motivated to do something that will make me continue to hurt. On the flip side, if I do exercise (non-impacting) and work hard at loosing weight, then my hips may not hurt so much with all the added weight they carry.

5.) I live by excuses when it comes to being healthy and exercising. I have one for everything.

These things are what hold me back. These are all PERSONAL decisions that I consciously make daily. That's right... I choose to be unhealthy, I live to eat rather than eating to live. I drink to much coke (aka: soda). I don't drink enough water, I don't eat a good breakfast regularly. I don't, I don't, I don't.... I can't, I can't, I can't.... These words have ruled over my eating and exercising habits for far too long.

I want to be healthier, I want to be able to go and do the things I like doing without getting tired and wore out. I want to live a long healthy life.

When I couldn't walk from the 6th grade through the 11th grade, I had a friend share with me Philippians 4:13 "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." I must stop leaning on my own understanding but on Christ. I have given my life to Christ, and it is time that I take healthy living seriously. I know that through Him, I can do this! It will be very difficult because I will be changing 36 years of habit, but I know that through Him I can do this. Will you join me?!



Gililland's Island said...

Super proud of you! I love you!