Thursday, June 21, 2007

Continual Change

The older I get, the more I realize that change is an everyday part of life. Change, for the most part is good...some would even go so far as saying change is GREAT! Yet, there seems to be those who are resilient to dramatic change and they want everything to stay the same as it has been since the "Leave it to Beaver" days. Unfortunately we don't live in this sort of mythical world. No, our world is in a constant state of change. We are either growing or we are shriveling our minds and bodies. Growth is change, and growth (no matter how you look at it is good - often great) leads to a stronger understanding for the call that God has placed on your life. One of my favorite illustrations of this is found in Philemon. I am a big fan of redemption and this short letter from Paul is all about growth and redemption. Philemon had every legal right to punish Onesimus for running away, but through the Holy Spirit and Philemon incredible faith, Onesimus was forgiven and redeemed. Onesimus changed, he became a follower of Jesus Christ and his life was changed forever. As we continue to walk this path of life, we will be in a continual state of change. Some of us will change in ways that are not pleasing to the Lord, and others will grow closer to Him daily. Oh how I pray that I am sharpened everyday by the men in my life, to encourage me to change and to be the man God has called me to be.