Sunday, June 17, 2007

One Year Anniversary!

I can't believe that it has already been one year of marriage. A good friend of mine told me the other day, "the first year was my toughest". I would have to say that this has been a great first year! Andi and I started our year at Lake Tahoe and celebrated our year at Inks Lake. Tahoe was fine accommodations, and Inks was fine camping at its best (rain included, free of charge!). We had a blast a year ago and just as much fun camping. I will admit, the water at Inks was a good 40 degrees warmer than Tahoe! We didn't see any mountain lions or bears on this trip, just deer making their way through our campsite. No rock climbing in Yosemite, but we kayaked the lake, had a great time on a jet ski, and hiked thought the pink granite park. The simplicity of camping was relaxing and a breath of fresh air. We powered down our phones at 12:00 AM on Thursday and didn't power them back up until we got back to Abilene. I am so grateful for the stress free weekend we shared together. Often times we don't take time to be in God's presence the way I believe He intended it to be, in nature. I am so grateful for the love of my wife. My anniversary gift from her was a journal that she had been keeping for me from our days of dating. I had given her the exact same gift on our wedding night, a journal that I had been writ ting to my wife for four years. It was crazy that we were writing to each other at the same time and never even knew it. What a blessing Andi is in my life. It is my prayer that we will continue to grow together and be a blessing to others. I can't wait for the next 50 plus years!