Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Golf and Friends

On Monday night Andi and I went over to another couples house for dinner. It was so good! The food was amazing! Andi and I love being around this couple, they are a great example of how to love on people and we love getting to play with their daughters (2 and 1). After dinner we all set down for a nice game of no limit hold-em (no buy in mind you!), and let me tell you, the Gilillands were hot that night. Andi and I seemed to get all the cards. Unfortunately, we were not the big winners for the evening, nevertheless it was great food and fun with our friends.

Yesterday I played golf with one of my favorite buddies. It was nice and relaxing as we battled through Diamond Back, bad shots, and the ever increasing heat and humidity. There were great shots such as my 30 ft (+) putt for par, and Tim's stellar tee shot that saw the ball go straight up and back down, right in front of where he had tee'd it up. Great memories. One of my favorite aspect of the day was just having the time with Tim and sharing. I think he said it best in a recent e-mail: "As much as I will enjoy reading your blog, I much prefer our times together face to face in engaging conversation." How true that is. When was the last time you had engaging conversation with a loved one or a friend? Make some time to engage them in their interests and listen intently to know their heart and mind. Trust me it will bless you beyond your imagination!