Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Man Card

OK, let's talk about the ever popular "Man Card". You know the one... the card that men of all ages get to punch when they do something manly. Manly things come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, voltages, watts, and of course power (most of the time dealing with explosions of some sort). Well I have been told on more than one occasion that I need have my "Man Card" taken away. The first of which was when a well respected man said it should be revoked because I didn't have the right tools to fix a water leak, the second was when my brother told me I didn't know how do something or other (can't really remember). And I am sure there have been others who have thought that I should never have my card reinstated. Nevertheless, lets talk about the "Man Card".

Recently there has been some discussion on men going to the theater, the ballet, or the symphony with their wives. It was not that they wanted to, it was that they were dragged into it one way or another. I find that funny. I guess (in my opinion), I have the GREATEST WIFE in the world. Just yesterday we went to the movies and saw a manly movie, her idea. She loved it!

I say all this because, Saturday I had to actually tell a well respected man to, be a man and go to the symphony with his wife. After much prodding from me and convincing him that it would be a good time and we could double date, he reluctantly agreed. Well, let me tell you this... he LOVED the experience and even spoke of wanting to do it again. Some men would say he needs to have his "Man Card" revoked. I say... PUNCH ANOTHER HOLE IN THE STINKING THING!!! IN FACT PUNCH TWO!!!!

It takes a real man to sacrifice and do things with his wife. It takes a real man to say I Love You to his wife everyday (multiple times a day). It takes a real man to say I Love You to his children every day (again multiple times a day). It takes a real man to say I Love You to his brothers in Christ. I could go on and on. I am so fortunate to be in the company of so many Godly men. They all exemplify to me what a real man is. In my opinion a real man is one who is well rounded. A man who is able to be a strong unmovable mountain with the guys, yet as calm as a clear stream of steadily flowing water with his wife and kids. A man who can listen to the call of the Lord and serve his wife's and children's needs, at the same time providing them with leadership, direction and protection.

"Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,"
Ephesians 5:25 (ESV)

So the next time you have a Brother tell you he went to the theater, ballet, symphony, antiquing, or if he did something that made his wife happy, instead of telling him to turn in his man card, give him the "Man's Service Star" to pin on his chest, and punch a hole in the "REAL MAN CARD".